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POhWER - London Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service

Are you unhappy with the care and treatment that you, or someone else, is currently receiving or has received from the NHS? 

What happens when you are referred?

What you can expect to happen when your GP refers you to see a specialist or consultant, at a hospital or a community health centre.

From Mind - Seeking help for a mental health problem

A guide to taking the first steps, making empowered decisions and getting the right support for you.

From the Mental Health Foundation: How to talk to your GP about your mental health
The Mind guide to 'Parenting with a mental health problem'

With the right support and resources, it is perfectly possible to be a good parent while managing a mental health problem.

'Team Around the Practice': What is it and what can we offer?
'TAP' is for people whose mental health difficulties are longstanding and recurrent and/or who may not have benefitted from previous help. For 18 years and over and registered with a Camden GP. 



'Planning for Recovery' - leaving hospital after a mental health crisis. Published by Mind
Written for anyone leaving hospital after a mental health crisis.
Voice Collective flyer
Young people's voices and vision peer support group
Become a Parent Champion - Parents as Educators project

Do you have experience of caring for a child or young person with mental health difficulties? Would you like to share your experiences to shape mental health care ?
