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Anxiety is a common, treatable condition most people can relate to.

It is normal to feel anxious when faced with something dangerous, difficult or unknown, for example when starting a job or sitting an exam. If everything goes well, the anxiety will most likely go away. This kind of anxiety can be helpful in stressful situations, because it increases alertness.

However, severe anxiety occurs when these feelings remain at a high level for a long period of time and start to impact day-to-day living. Severe anxiety can cause physical symptoms including fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, nausea, difficulty in breathing and muscle tension. Long-term anxiety can affect appetite, sleep and concentration.

Anxiety disorders such as generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) include a range of conditions that can seriously impact on a person’s ability to live their life. However, with treatment, help and support, people are able to recover and carry on with their lives.

Read the NHS self-help guides, on Anxiety, Health Anxiety and Shyness and Social Anxiety.

Find out more



We all have times when life’s problems affect our mental health. Maybe you are feeling down and need a safe space to chat, or you would like to meet new people or try something different? This website lists over 100 groups in and around Camden, many offering free or low-cost activities. While some will help with a specific problem, others offer everyday activities to encourage us all to get out and about. Why not find what appeals to you. You can make a list of the groups that are of interest with ‘My Shortlist’.  
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