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19 Nov 2020
Checking in on your family, friends and colleagues during the coronavirus outbreak is more important than ever.
Sometimes we say we’re fine when we’re not. That simple act of asking again – ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ – shows a genuine willingness to talk and listen, and can make all the difference.
10 Nov 2020
Bipolar UK collaborated with the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) at Cardiff University to organise a series of 3 self-management webinars.
3 Nov 2020

If you are finding it hard to cope and need to talk, we are just a phone call away. CALL OUR CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT LINE: 0808 196 3651

28 Oct 2020

We are now recruiting for our APPLE-Tree study! If you have problems with your memory and are interested, please email or phone one of our research assistants on 07823 685922 or 07823 685824.

26 Oct 2020
12 Oct 2020

A granddaughter of a veteran has put together a useful guide of resources for veterans struggling mentally and financially.

7 Oct 2020

Flu is unpredictable. The vaccine provides the best protection available against a virus that can cause severe illness. The most likely viruses that will cause flu are identified in advance of the flu season and vaccines are then made to match them as closely as possible. The vaccines are given in the autumn ideally before flu starts circulating.

8 Sep 2020
Bipolar UK is evaluating it's services so we can work more effectively to empower people affected by bipolar to live well and achieve their potential.
3 Sep 2020

Camden Peer Mentor Service are looking for volunteer peer mentors with lived experience of mental health.

18 Aug 2020

This survey is aiming to explore the varied effects of the UK COVID-19 lockdown on Camden & Islington LGBTQ+ residents.
