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Core Arts - promoting good mental health through creativity

Core Arts has 28 years' experience of providing best practice and best value in Mental Health Creative Day Care in London.
Based in Hackney, Core Arts promotes positive mental health and wellbeing through creative learning. We provide quality education, training, employment and social enterprise initiatives that enable people who experience mental health issues to overcome barriers, fulfil their potential and participate fully in their community.

Live Music Now

Live Music Now is a UK-wide initiative, created by Yehudi Menuhin and Ian Stoutzker. Our musicians deliver interactive music programmes in care homes and hospitals, and a range of community and healthcare settings. We also work in special schools, where music can make a huge difference to the lives of children and their families. Our specialist support and training provides young musicians with skills and employment at the start of their professional careers, across all genres of music.

Nafsiyat Intercultural Therapy Centre

Currently open
Currently closed. Next open:

Nafsiyat offers high quality community-based psychotherapy for people from different cultural backgrounds based in London. Therapeutic help is offered to individuals, families, children and adolescents experiencing psychiatric problems, emotional strain and sexual problems. It also offers training and development of intercultural therapy, working with a number of prestigious universities, colleges and training agencies in London. Read more about our services.

Voiceability - Camden mental health peer mentoring

Voiceability delivers the Camden Peer Mentoring Service. This is a volunteer led service, where Peer Mentors use their lived experience of mental health to support others in the community and hospitals who may be experiencing difficulties with their Mental Health. We offer 1-to-1 emotional, and practical support over 10 sessions for up to 5 months.

We are contactable on 0300 303 1660 or

Combat Stress - for veterans’ mental health

Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For almost a century, Combat Stress has helped former servicemen and women deal with trauma-related mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Today, we provide support to veterans from every service and every conflict - on the phone and online,  in the community and at our specialist centres.

Traumatic Stress Clinic, St Pancras Hospital

Our services provide evidence-based psychological treatment for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is an anxiety disorder which can be caused by stressful or frightening events. Our team also offer supervision, consultation and support to other services in C&I and community organisations on understanding and managing the condition. We have been commissioned to offer consultation and psychological care following major traumatic incidents. Age range treated: 18+

Islington Crisis House

Islington Crisis House supports those with complex needs. Crisis and recovery services provide a valued community alternative to hospital admission for people in crisis as well as short-term transition from hospital to home. Highbury Grove Crisis Centre is a flagship service and is run by Look Ahead. The centre is delivered in partnership with Islington CCG, Islington Council and Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust to ensure the service is fully embedded on the integrated crisis pathway.

Camden Resilience Network

Community Resilience was identified as a key theme within Camden’s Local Care Strategy during a collaboration between service users, clinicians and care providers. This will be achieved by making better use of voluntary and community sector (VCS) services rather than relying on traditional models of care. The model for the Resilience Network was proposed and championed by people with experience of using mental health services because they believe it will help more people to live and thrive well in Camden.

Hopscotch Women's Centre

Hopscotch AWC provides support services for Asian women and other minority women and their families on a wide range of issues including domestic violence, training, employment, housing and welfare benefits. Advisors speak Bengali, Sylheti, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and French. Our services include:
