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DePaul is an organisation that supports young people aged 16-25. We offer support to young people who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships. Our services are free and confidential and all staff are DBS checked. We are still available during the corona virus, mainly working with young people and families remotely. If you know of any young people who are having relationship difficulties at home and would benefit from our support then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We provide the following services:

Key Changes

We provide music engagement and recovery services in hospitals and the community for young people and adults experiencing mental health problems. Activities including music production and sound recording, songwriting, composition, vocal technique and performance skills.

Camden Crisis Sanctuary

Currently open
Currently closed. Next open:
What is the Camden Crisis Sanctuary?
The Sanctuary is a place where you can come if you feel like you’re experiencing a mental health crisis. We are here to help you when you feel unable to cope on your own by:
  • Offering you short-term support to manage your immediate mental health needs.
  • Working with you to create your own individual plan to support your mental health.
  • Providing you with advice and information on resources within the community to help you cope when you leave.
