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D​epression is more than feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days. It is not the same as the normal feelings of sadness that people feel when they experience difficult events in their life. A person suffering from depression will experience intense emotions of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity and helplessness, and these feelings will stay with them. Depression prevents people from progressing normally with their lives and taking part in activities they normally enjoy. These are just some of the signs someone may be depressed:

Panic disorder

Panic disorder is where you have recurring and regular panic attacks, often for no obvious reason. It is a perfectly natural response to feel anxious when you are in danger or in a stressful situation but people with panic disorder experience feelings of anxiety, stress and panic regularly and at any time. Panic affects your body, your mind and the way you behave. When someone has a panic attack they may think that they are dying, suffocating or having a heart attack because the physical symptoms can feel similar, such as tightening of the chest or difficulty breathing.

Alcohol abuse and addiction

Alcohol and mental health problems are closely linked. There is evidence that mental health problems can result from drinking too much. But there is also evidence that mental health problems can cause people to drink too much. Excessive alcohol consumption leads to serious physical and mental illnesses, including cancer.


The Benzodiazepine & Opiate Withdrawal Service (BOWS)

A service that provides specialist support for people in Camden and Islington who are being prescribed benzodiazepines, opiates, z-drugs (sleeping tablets) and gabapentinoids by their GP and are seeking additional support to reduce and/or stop their use.


Why should you reduce or stop these medications?

Child and adolescent mental health services in Camden

Mental health problems affect about 1 in 10 children and young people. They include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder, and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives.

The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and grow into well-rounded, healthy adults.

Good mental health at work

The theme of 2018's Mental Health Awareness Week is stress, and how to reduce it. Maybe you need a helping hand managing your mental health at work – or perhaps it is your job to take care of staff? Read on for details of organisations who can help - some of them local to Camden.
