The Financial Times recently reported on the stigma men face and their reduced likelihood of reaching out for help with their mental health. The article stated that only 14% were willing to disclose their problems to their line manager or the HR department within their workplace. The Mental Health at Work 2018 Report further highlighted that 40% of men did not try to find support from anyone during a recent occurrence of a mental health issue.
Therefore at Mental Health Camden, we wanted to highlight key national and local organisations which could provide accurate information and support. Also, we wanted to promote upcoming community events to combat social isolation, learn new skills and improve physical health.
Prominent National Organisations:
- Men’s Health Forum is a charity which supports men’s health ranging from mental health to genito-urinary problems.
- Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) provides frontline services such a helpline and webchat. They support mental health in the workplace and have run some important campaigns such as #Project84, #DontBottleItUp and The Best Man Project.
Local Organisations within Camden:
- Camden Listening and Counselling Centre offers talking therapies for men to explore and discuss topics such as relationships, loss, anger, work issues, fatherhood, stress, in a way which allows them to make progress with life's everyday challenges.
- Camden Town Shed which provides the opportunity to create woodwork such as sculpture, joinery and more in a closed free, men-only tutored sessions. These sessions allow you to meet new people and learn or improve your skills.
- Help for Heroes supports those with injuries and illnesses sustained while serving in the British Armed Forces. They have a specialist team which focuses on the five key areas of an individual’s life: medical, mind, body, spirit and family.
- Papyrus is an organisation dedicated to combatting suicide for young people under 35 and their hope helpline can be contacted at 0800 068 4141.
Local Projects and Upcoming Events:
- Abbey Community Centre's CHAPS program offers weekly cooking sessions for men over 65 on Tuesdays and IT Drop-in to learn computer skills on Wednesdays
- Third Age Project hosts men’s keep fit classes on Wednesdays