What do we offer?
St Marylebone HCC offers a number of professional psychotherapy modalities for individuals and groups. We also have a fortnightly drop-in mental health support group.
Spiritual direction is available for those wishing to explore their faith journey, as well as weekly and monthly services with prayers for healing, and pastoral support.
All of these activities centre around the belief that addressing mental health issues involves more than simply ‘making better’–rather that positive mental health is an ongoing, proactive process.
Charges Details
The fortnightly drop-in group is free to attend
We charge fees according to income and ability to pay. However, we hope that no one is prevented from attending counselling through lack of money. Some assistance may be available from our bursary fund.
We charge fees according to income and ability to pay. However, we hope that no one is prevented from attending counselling through lack of money. Some assistance may be available from our bursary fund.
We can help with