What do we offer?
This service is available to anyone who is unable to obtain Legal Aid (check eligibility https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid), cannot afford to pay and does not have insurance which covers legal fees.
All applications are initially reviewed by a barrister who considers legal merit, the time and type of advice required and individual financial circumstances. Unfortunately, assistance cannot be guaranteed.
Who should use this service?
This service is available to anyone who is unable to obtain legal aid and cannot afford to pay, excluding cases that are are eligible to receive public funding or are covered by insurance. Strict eligibility criteria apply and assistance cannot always be guaranteed.
What is the referral process for this service?
A referral is not necessary. However, you may find it helpful to get some initial advice and assistance completing our application form from advice agencies, including:
- Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/contact-us/search-for-your-local-citizens-advice/?
- Law Centres https://www.lawcentres.org.uk/about-law-centres/law-centres-on-google-maps/alphabetically
- Law Works https://www.lawworks.org.uk/legal-advice-individuals/find-legal-advice-clinic-near-you
You can apply on-line or download a copy of the application form via https://weareadvocate.org.uk/how-our-service-works.html
Wait times and limits
We need to receive an application and all documents a minimum of 3 weeks prior to any deadline. This is to allow time for the case to be reviewed and, if accepted, to seek a barrister.
Wait times and limits
Each case must be vetted first and then if accepted an appropriate barrister must be found. Wait times therefore vary.
Volunteer opportunities
Volunteer notes
Volunteering opportunities for barristers